Plate Beater Mill 

A Plate Beater Univesal Mill has the following general features:
  • Suitable for soft, medium-hard, and some fibrous feeds
  • Can achieve final average particle size of less than about 400 microns
  • Typical soft feeds include coarse talc and lactose
  • medium-hard feeds include glass fibers, toner pregrind, and polyvinyl chloride
  • Fibrous feeds include coconut shells, herbs, root drugs, and wood
  • Has a series of rigid, replaceable blades around its periphery and is mounted inside a stator
  • Is often used with a screen or combination stator for soft to medium-hard feeds
  • Is used with a grinding-track stator for medium-hard and fibrous feeds
  • The final particle size can be controlled by adjusting the tool's peripheral speed and choosing a particular stator