Stainless Steel Screw Conveyor 

PAXAA Conveyors are manufactured in stainless steel with a suitable surface finishing grade appropriate for the food application. Manufacture of the fabricated components is carried out on machines that guarantee a perfectly smooth surface due to which material residue is reduced to the minimum. These Screw Conveyors are made up from a tubular trough that is equipped with at least one inlet and outlet spout, an end plate at each tube end, helicoid screw flighting welded on a center pipe with a coupling bush at each end, two end bearing assemblies complete with adjustable shaft sealing unit, and a number of intermediate hanger bearings depending on the overall length of the screw conveyor. Furthermore, Screw Conveyors are equipped with a gear motor that is suitable for the application. Depending on the material to be handled Screw Conveyors come in a light or medium-heavy-duty design.
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